Improving Bookmarks

Courtney Nash

Welcome to the inaugural Holloway Release Notes, version 4.8! Although much of our time has been spent developing our upcoming Guides, lately we’ve been at work improving features in the reading experience as well.

A home for short-form content

You’re experiencing this right now! We’ve launched a blog on Holloway where you’ll be able to find all the editions of our Newsletter, excerpts and anecdotes from Guides as we develop them, feature details, insights into how we build product and content at Holloway, and more.


We work with authors and editors to build the most comprehensive source of knowledge on a topic in a Guide. Our Guide to Equity Compensation takes approximately 4 hours to read and has 362 links, and the in-development Guide to Raising Venture Capital is stacking up to be more than twice that amount. If we want to help you navigate complexities, we don’t want to skip important details—and all of that material is relevant. But it can also be overwhelming!

Many readers have told us that one thing that would help navigate the volume of information is the ability to save, or bookmark, text or links to return to later. When thinking about how to help you parse that much information, especially content like links to external sources, we approached it in terms of the various things you might be hoping to do, such as:

  • Mark material to be able to come back to and read again

Do you have uses like these? We’re in the thick of experimenting with bookmarking features that will make all of that easier.

Bookmarking content

With this release, you can bookmark any section or paragraph that you find useful and they will pop into view in the table of contents on the left. You can also review those excerpts on a separate bookmarks page.

We’re not done yet, and are also building out a way bookmark links to any of the hundreds of sources outside the Guide, so you can come back and read them later. We recognize that there’s a lot of links in our Guides, and while this adds a lot of useful context, it’s not always practical to switch over to other links in the middle of reading. The context in which you encountered a given link is important, so when you bookmark a link, we show it in your bookmarks in the context of where it shows up in the Guide (along with a list of all those links in your Reading List).

They’re still evolving, but please try out some of these features in the Guide to Equity Compensation (you’ll need to create an account and sign in). Take a look and let us know what you think. Link bookmarking will be showing up shortly, too. If you have ideas or suggestions for additional bookmarking features or improvements to how it currently works, we’d love to hear from you at

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