Good Work Nº 44: Year in review.

A hand-curated newsletter devoted to exploring how we choose to spend the 90,000 hours that will make up our careers.
Andy Sparks

🎶 Fruits of My Labor by Lucinda Williams

No one expected me. Everything awaited me.Patti Smith, Just Kids*

2019 was this newsletter’s inaugural year!

This year, we covered everything from financial literacy to procrastination to why reading fiction can make you a better leader. Each topic came with links to some of the best readings and resources we could find—and a themed song (we hope you were listening along!). You read our personal revelations, our serious business learnings, and our moments of pure silliness. In the first week of 2020, everyone at Holloway took a good look back at Good Work, so we could share the editions we loved most.

Our 10 favorite Good Works from 2019

…in no particular order.

  1. Good Work Nº 9: “…don’t stop at falling in love with them.”

    • A longer early edition where Andy explores the idea of “fellow travelers”—who you run with, how to find them, and what to do when you do.
  2. Good Work Nº 26: “You never know when someone was just waiting for you to ask.”

    • On the gift and catharsis of asking for help, by guest writer Sonia Baschez.
  3. Good Work Nº 34: “…waiting for my thoughts to fall into place like Teewees and Orange Rickies onto the cool blue infinite of my entire life.”

    • Andy defines progress.
  4. Good Work Nº 24: “Project management is the gutter cleaning and furnace filter changing of companies.”

    • Holloway editor Courtney Nash on on why project management deserves your attention—awesome resources included.
  5. Good Work Nº 30: “Only when work becomes a choice do we realize the thing about work that is worth choosing.”

    • Andy on what kind of work is worth doing.
  6. Good Work Nº 15: “Because there is no ‘decide,’ there is only ‘discover.’”

    • Holloway editor Rachel Jepsen on process over progress.
  7. Good Work Nº 11: “Write it down.”

    • Andy explores why note-taking can change your life.
  8. Good Work Nº 36: “Good work never distracts us from what matters.”

    • Guest writer Paul Millerd on how to discover what good work means to you.
  9. Good Work Nº 35: “What’s necessary is learning to notice what we’re valuing as important.”

    • Andy on using procrastination as a signal. One of our most helpful lists of links and resources.
  10. Good Work Nº 38: “If you’re learning to swim, and you don’t respect the water, you actually are going to drown.”

    • Andy on the learning process.

Bonus! In Good Work Nº 37, we shared an excerpt from an essay on the Holloway blog on why startups should hire for conscientiousness, by Technical Recruiting and Hiring author Ozzie Osman. We highly recommend taking a few extra minutes for this intelligent and heartfelt work!

Well’p, that’s it. If you have a favorite Good Work that you don’t see on this list, let us know on Twitter @holloway! Thank you to everyone who’s been reading with us, and we hope you’ll be with us for another great year. Stay tuned for the rest of January, which will feature guest editions by some of our favorite thinkers and tinkerers!

That’s Good Work for this week. Looking forward to what’s next—and a Happy New Year, readers!

The Holloway team

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